
Frag-o-Matic 26.0


28/02 - 2/03



Overwatch (6 vs. 6)

compo sponsor



Bracket matches will be played as a Bo3, the upper bracket final will be a Bo5 and the Grand Final will be a Bo7. Check out the updated schedule! Apologies for the delay.


For any issues, add Duval#2744 on Battle.net or head to the compo desk!


Registration open

Registration closes: Saturday 25 February 2017 at 08:00

Tournament starts: Saturday 25 February 2017 at 10:00

Initial compo list FoM 21.1

Initial compo list FoM 21.1

Sign up for the compos!

Sign up for the compos!

FoM 19.1 MSRP prizes announcement

FoM 19.1 MSRP prizes announcement

Initial compo list FoM 21.1

We are proud to announce the confirmed compo’s at this time! This list is pretty complete, but can still change of course. These compos will definitely be available on FoM ...

Sign up for the compos!

Do not forget to sign up for the compos you want to participate in!   The registrations for the Grand Compos will close around 22h00!   You can sign up for the ...

FoM 19.1 MSRP prizes announcement

Just like every other edition there are also a lot of MSRP prizes to win apart from the cash prizes for the Grand Compos. With each compo you participate in, you have a ...

FoM 19.1 Grand Compo Cash Prizes

FoM is approaching and off course you want to know what prizes (and prize money) you can win if you participate in on of our competitions!   We summed them up for you! ...

Sign up for the FoM 19.1 compos

We have noticed that a lot of you have not signed up for the compos at FoM 19.1 yet!   Make sure to subscribe in advance to save time at FoM 19.1. The sooner ...

<< previous next >>


Best 2 teams of each poule will progress to the next round.

w: wars won | l: wars lost | d: draw wars | rw: rounds won | rl: rounds lost

1st place:

6 x Siberia 650 White

2nd place:

6 x Rival 700

3rd place:

6 x QCK+

Rulebook Overwatch 6v6 Compo

1. General Rules

See → http://www.fom.be/contents/view/general-competition-rules

2. Overwatch General Rules

  1. Games will be played on the official European server.

  2. Every player needs to have an active Overwatch license in good standing on their BattleNet account.

  3. All teams must list the BattleTag of at least the Team Captain in the team’s ‘notes’ field. Preferably all players’ BattleTags are listed here in case of an AFK of the Team Captain.

  4. Only players registered to a team can play for this team.

  5. Players are not allowed to register for multiple teams.

  6. A team consist of a maximum of 6 players. Teams are allowed to play matches with less than 6 players, but in that case the opponent team is allowed to play as 6. It is allowed to have backup players signed up for the team on the website, however these players may not be enrolled in other teams! It is not allowed to swap out players during a match, the 6 players must remain the same for the entirety of a match (ie all 3 games in a bo3).

  7. The Team Captain is responsible for his team and all players in his team. Communication between teams and Admins will go through them. In case of a conflict, both Team Captains will report to the Admin at the Compo Desk.

  8. Teams are responsible for their own technical issues (hardware/internet). Matches will not be rescheduled because of technical issues and matches will be played nevertheless. If the maximum pause time is exceeded, the game goes on, even if the issue is not solved yet.

  9. In case of a two way tie in the group phase, the match between both teams will be used as a reference to break the tie.

3. Compo Format

  1.  Tournament Format

Rule set: Competitive

Game mode:

  •  Group phase: Best of One
  •  Bracket phase: Best of Three
  •  Upper and Lower Bracket Finals: Best of Five
  •  Grand Finals: Best of Seven

Map rotation: Single map

Return to lobby: After a game

Map: See 3.1.2

Heroes: See 3.1.3

Gameplay options: See 3.1.4

General Rules:

  • Escort and Hybrid maps are decided by either pushing the payload further than the other team or reaching the final checkpoint faster.

  • In case of a tie on Assault, Hybrid or Escort a preset Best of Three Control map (known as the decider map) is to be played. The winner of the Control map will win the tied map.

    • Please note: Control maps picked in from the map pool are to be played as a Best of Five
  • Recordings or screenshots from each round are required.

  1.  Maps

    Normal map pool:

  • King's Row

  • Numbani

  • Watchpoint: Gibraltar

  • Dorado

  • Hanamura

  • Temple of Anubis

  • Volskaya

  • Hollywood

  • Route 66

  • Ilios

  • Lijiang Tower

  • Nepal

    Decider map pool:

  • Ilios

  • Lijiang Tower

  • Nepal

    Map selection: Map veto as described in 4.1.


  1.  Heroes
  •  All heroes are currently allowed
  • Hero selection limit: 1 per team
  • Role selection limit: none
  • Allow hero switching: On
  • Respawn as random hero: Off


  1.  Gameplay & Team Options
  • High bandwidth: On
  • Control game mode format: Best of 5
  • Health modifier: 100%
  • Damage modifier: 100%
  • Healing modifier: 100%
  • Ultimate charge rate modifier: 100%
  • Respawn time modifier: 100%
  • Ability cooldown modifier: 100%
  • Disable skins: Off
  • Disable health bars: Off
  • Disable kill cam: On
  • Disable kill feed: Off
  • Headshots only: Off
  • Team balancing: Off


4. Match workflow

  1. Before the match

    • Both teams must be available behind their computers in full at the designated times of their matches. A 15 minute grace period applies.

    • The Team Captain of both teams add each other on Battle.net to create a lobby. Each Team Captain then invites their team into the match.

    • The highest seeded team chooses whether they want to start the banning phase or pick the first side of the first map.

    • The map pick veto starts. Maps will be banned one by one from the normal map pool (alternating between the teams) until the necessary amount of maps remain.

    • The team who would have had the next map veto picks which map is played first. Then the pick order is alternated.

    • Lastly, a decider map is picked. Again the highest seeded team starts the banning process until there is one map left. This will be the decider map.

    • The match starts when both Team Captains signify that their team is ready.

  2. During the games

    • No unapproved programs may be running during any matches. Acceptable programs may be determined by an admin, but generally include: music, hardware monitoring, antivirus.

    • Players may not communicate with anyone during their games besides their team, opponents and admins.

    • Pauses for issues not related to either connection or hardware issues are not allowed. Pausing the game without a valid reason will result in a warning.

    • Each team can pause for a maximum of 10 minutes during the entire match (over all maps).

    • In the case that a player disconnects, the team is allowed to continue to play the match at a disadvantage. A rehost of the game will only take place if the disconnect takes place in the first minute of the game.

    • Players are allowed to chat in a tournament game. They’ll have to do this in a proper way and do it with good sportsmanship. Inappropriate chatter will result in a warning.

    • Observers are allowed only if both teams agree. Exceptions to this rule are, admins and people that are given permission by an admin (e.g. shoutcasters or streamer).

  3. Between games

    • The next map has to be played as soon as possible. Small restroom breaks are allowed as long as they don’t exceed 5 minutes.

    • The loser of the previous map chooses the starting side on the next map.

    • In case of a tie on a single map, the decider map has to be played. This is a Control Point map in a BO3 format. The winner of this decider map wins the previously tied map.

  4. After the match

    • Both Team Captains fill in the match score on the website.

    • Both teams need to be able to show evidence of the result of the match, either in the form of a screenshot or a recording. This evidence must be kept until the end of the tournament. Not being able to provide this to an admin’s request will result in a warning.

    • In case of a conflict the admin is notified by the team captain, within 5 minutes after the end of the last map played.

  5. Conflicts

    • During a conflict both team captains report to the compo desk. Only the team captains and admins will resolve the issue.

    • When a decision has been made and accepted by both captains and admins, this decision is final and the case is closed.

    • When a compromise cannot be met, the head admin will take a final decision. This decision is final and the case is closed.

    • The admins can make decision outside of these rules when necessary.

  6. Warnings and disqualifications

    • In case of extreme violations of the rules, teams can and will be disqualified from the tournament.

    • Any form of cheating will not be tolerated. If an admin determines a player is cheating their entire team will be immediately disqualified and removed from the tournament and this player may be restricted from participating in future events.

      1. Looking at your opponents monitor is also considered cheating.

      2. Collusion and match fixing: teams are not allowed to intentionally alter the results of any match. If an admin determines matches were fixed, the offending team(s) will be immediately disqualified and removed from the tournament and may be restricted from participating in future events. Players must compete to the best of their abilities at all times (fair play!).

    • When a team has received 2 warnings they will be disqualified from the tournament.

5. Schedule

See ‘Schedule’ tab


6. Admin Details


Main Admin:

Name:                    Jelco Adamczyk

Nickname:             Duval

BattleTag:                Duval#2744

E-mail:                    duval@fom.be




10:00 – 11:00          Groups round 1

11:15 – 12:15          Groups round 2

13:00 – 14:00          Groups round 3

14:15 – 15:15          Groups round 4

15:15 – 16:15          Grace Period


Brackets (Bo3)


18:30 – 20:30          Ro8

20:30 – 22:00          Ro4 + Losers round 1

22:00 – 00:00          UB Finals

22:00 – 23:30          Losers round 2

23.30 – 01:00          Losers round 3



10:30 – 12:30          Lower bracket finals (3rd place match) (Bo5!)

13:00 – 16:00          Grand Finals (Bo7!)